Texas Auodad Hunt

Animal: Auodad

Duration: 3 days

Weapon: Archery or Rifle

Guide: Unguided

Season: Year Round

Location: Texas

Cost: $4,000 Per Hunter

These properties regularly produce slammer Auodad and you can hunt estate or free range on this great hunt. This is a 3 day hunt where everything is set up for you and you get to show up and hunt unguided.  A perfect hunt priced right.

Texas Auodad Journey

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The Aoudad is the best priced sheep hunt in the country. The next priced sheep hunt would be 3x minimum the cost for a Dall Sheep. These properties regularly produce slammer Auodad and you can hunt estate or free range on this great hunt. This is a 3 day hunt where everything is set up for you and you get to show up and hunt unguided.  A perfect hunt priced right.

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