Hunt Reservation


$1700 deposit per hunter is Non-Refundable but can be applied to any Journey Hunt with availability within one year. Deposit is valid for 7 days to hold an opening.

The specially negotiated prices and Hunt special arrangements are limited with Journey Hunts. Each trip has a limited number of Hunters/Fisherman/Participants per season and should be reserved with the deposit to ensure that spots are available for all the Hunters/Fisherman in your Group. Matt Guedes will respond quickly (pending what part of the World he is hunting in). Spots are available on a First Come First Served Basis. The Full Reservation deposit is 25% of the Full hunt cost and must be applied within 7 days of this deposit so that final arrangements can be made. Please contact Matt Guedes at 970-986-0730 or

Deposit Required to reserve a spot. Availability in 2025.

$1700 deposit per hunter is Non-Refundable but can be applied to any Journey Hunt with availability within one year. Deposit is valid for 7 days to hold an opening.


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