by | Aug 22, 2018 | Africa, Africa game, Articles
Hunt of a Lifetime Post Hunt Evaluation Lodging: Outstanding. All people and lodgings were top notch. All facilities were clean and well kept and staff was always courteous and professional. Food: Food was good. I would have preferred more wild game, but everything...
by | May 20, 2016 | Africa game, Articles, Baylee Guedes, Bear Archery, Blesbok, bow hunting, bowhunting,, Columns, Grim Reaper Broadheads, Matt Guedes, Videos
Sponsored by: Grim Reaper Broadheads & Black Eagle Arrows By: Baylee Guedes My dad and I were on a month long trip to South Africa. We had been there for a few weeks and had hunted some great animals. One of the animals on my list was a blesbok. The blesbok is...
by | May 20, 2016 | Africa game, Baylee Guedes, Bear Archery, Blesbok, bow hunting, bowhunting, Bowhunting Articles, Bowhunting Videos,, Grim Reaper Broadheads, Matt Guedes
Sponsored by: Grim Reaper Broadheads & Black Eagle Arrows By: Baylee Guedes My dad and I were on a month long trip to South Africa. We had been there for a few weeks and had hunted some great animals. One of the animals on my list was a blesbok. The blesbok is in...