by | Aug 22, 2018 | Africa, Africa game, Articles
Hunt of a Lifetime Post Hunt Evaluation Lodging: Outstanding. All people and lodgings were top notch. All facilities were clean and well kept and staff was always courteous and professional. Food: Food was good. I would have preferred more wild game, but everything...
by | Mar 21, 2017 | Africa, Articles, bow hunting, bowhunting,, hunting africa, Journey Hunts, Matt Guedes, Outfitters
HUNTING THE DARK CONTINENT There has never been a better time than right now to Hunt SOUTH AFRICA!!! South Africa offers some of the most spectacular sights you will ever see on a destination hunt. Our partner Safari is off the charts with quality animals, great...
by | Mar 21, 2017 | Africa, Articles, bow hunting, bowhunting,, hunting africa, Journey Hunts, Matt Guedes, Outfitters
HUNTING THE DARK CONTINENT There has never been a better time than right now to Hunt SOUTH AFRICA!!! South Africa offers some of the most spectacular sights you will ever see on a destination hunt. Our partner Safari is off the charts with quality animals, great...
by | Feb 1, 2017 | Africa, Articles, Bear Archery, Black Eagle Arrows, Booking Agency, bow hunting, bowhunting,, Columns, Doornrand Hunting Safaris, German Kinetics broadhead, hunting africa, Hunting the world, Journey Hunts, Matt Guedes, Outfitters
Sponsored by: Journey Hunts, Grim Reaper Broadheads & Black Eagle Arrows By: Matt Guedes My recent trip to South Africa and Doornrand Hunting Safaris with Danie and Louise Krige. was an incredible trip. This trip was our first of what will be many with...
by | Feb 1, 2017 | Africa, Articles, Bear Archery, Black Eagle Arrows, Booking Agency, bow hunting, bowhunting,, Columns, Doornrand Hunting Safaris, German Kinetics broadhead, hunting africa, Hunting the world, Journey Hunts, Journey Hunts Featured, Matt Guedes, Outfitters
Sponsored by: Journey Hunts, Grim Reaper Broadheads & Black Eagle Arrows By: Matt Guedes My recent trip to South Africa and Doornrand Hunting Safaris with Danie and Louise Krige. was an incredible trip. This trip was our first of what will be many with Doornrand...
by | Jan 28, 2017 | Africa, Articles, Baylee Guedes, Bear Archery, Black Eagle Arrows, Booking Agency, bow hunting, bowhunting, Bowhunting Africa, Bowhunting The West,, Columns, Doornrand Hunting Safaris, Filming Hunts, Girls with Guns, Girls with Guns Clothing, Grim Reaper Broadheads, Inkulu African Safaris, Journey Hunts, Matt Guedes, Outfitters
Sponsored by: Journey Hunts, Grim Reaper Broadheads & Black Eagle Arrows By: Baylee Guedes I just recently returned from an amazing trip to South Africa. Before I left for my trip I packed up all of my Girls With Guns gear. I packed for warm and cold weather...