by | Jun 12, 2018 | Articles, Booking Agency, bow hunting, bowhunting,, Exotic hunts, Journey Hunts, Matt Guedes, News, Outfitters, Videos
This month’s newsletter has some brand new hunts along with some time tested annual Journey Hunts. The website continues to grow and perform beyond our expectations. If you have not yet done so please go on and check it out at Make sure you...
by | Aug 27, 2016 | Articles, bow hunting, Journey Hunts, News, Outfitters
European Outfitter notified Journey Hunts about a last minute hunt for Austrian Alpine Ibex due to a cancellation. This is your chance! This hunt usually takes waiting 3 to 5 years after you decide you want to hunt this species in order to get a permit.  We have... by | Aug 27, 2016 | Articles, bow hunting, Journey Hunts, News, Outfitters
European Outfitter notified Journey Hunts about a last minute hunt for Austrian Alpine Ibex due to a cancellation. This is your chance! This hunt usually takes waiting 3 to 5 years after you decide you want to hunt this species in order to get a permit.  We have...